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Hervé Beraud

FOSS Hacker at Red Hat
Python Senior Software Engineer
Science Lover


Setup environment to use Red Hat Infrared

Autored by Hervé Beraud on 5 February 2019

Setup your environment to use it for deploy openstack with Red Hat Infrared


InfraRed is a plugin based system that aims to provide an easy-to-use CLI for Ansible based projects. It aims to leverage the power of Ansible in managing / deploying systems, while providing an alternative, fully customized, CLI experience that can be used by anyone, without prior Ansible knowledge.

The project originated from Red Hat OpenStack infrastructure team that looked for a solution to provide an “easier” method for installing OpenStack from CLI but has since grown and can be used for any Ansible based projects.

In this post we will explain how to setup an environment to use Red Hat Infrared to deploy Openstack on it.


  • an environment with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
  • an ssh access to connect on your environment
  • root access in a second time to use infrared on it

Setup environment

Environment setup is really straightforward you just need to install some libraries and to restart the libvirt service at end:

$ yum install -y libvirt libguestfs libguestfs-tools virt-install
$ service libvirt restart

Setup your infrared client

Now your environment is ready for use you need to configure laptop to use infrared.

I suppose your machine use fedora 29.

First start by installing dependencies:

$ sudo dnf install git gcc libffi-devel openssl-devel
$ sudo dnf install python-virtualenv
$ sudo dnf install libselinux-python

For further reading you can follow the official setup documentation

Now installing infrared:

$ git clone
$ cd infrared
$ virtualenv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install --upgrade setuptools
$ pip install .

Provision your environment

Now we will to provision machines on your environment by using infrared.

Ensure to have the virsh plugin added:

$ infrared plugin add plugins/virsh
$ # if already activated you will receive a warning

Execute provisioning by providing some parameters through the CLI:

$ infrared virsh \
    --host-address $HOST \
    --host-key $HOST_KEY \
    --topology-nodes "undercloud:1,controller:1,compute:1"

You can connect to your host and check for vm provisioned:

[root@env ~]# virsh list
 ID    Name                           Status
 1     controller-0                   running
 2     undercloud-0                   running
 3     compute-0                      running

You can also use the infrared workspace command to inspect your environment:

$ infrared workspace list
| Name                          | Active |
| workspace_2018-11-28_18-51-19 |    *   |
$ infrared workspace node-list
[WARNING]: Found both group and host with same name: hypervisor

| Name         | Address                          | Groups                                                |
| hypervisor   | <Your IP address>                | hypervisor, shade                                     |
| controller-0 |                    | overcloud_nodes, network, controller, openstack_nodes |
| undercloud-0 |                      | tester, undercloud, openstack_nodes                   |
| compute-0    |                    | overcloud_nodes, compute, openstack_nodes             |

Now you can start to deploy your openstack by using tripleo.

First check the tripleo plugins are available:

$ infrared plugin add plugins/tripleo-undercloud
$ infrared plugin add plugins/tripleo-overcloud

Deploy your undercloud by using OSP 10 (newton):

$ infrared tripleo-undercloud --version 10 --images-task rpm

Deploy your overcloud by using OSP 10 (newton):

$ infrared tripleo-overcloud \
    --deployment-files virt \
    --version 10 \
    --introspect yes \
    --tagging yes \
    --deploy yes

Normaly your setup is complet and you can start to use your openstack by creating newtork, vm, etc…

You can now connect with ssh to provisioned vms and start to play with your freshly deployed openstack environment:

$ infrared ssh controller-0
[WARNING]: Found both group and host with same name: hypervisor

[heat-admin@controller-0 ~]$ openstack --version
openstack 3.8.1